Many landscapers and tree co.’s make topping crepe myrtles a common practice. TOPPING HARMS TREES! The ones that survive this butchery grow out UGLY and weakened! No REAL tree professional practices or even advertises tree topping.
Crepe myrtles can be breathtakingly beautiful even when they’re not in bloom. The sculpture-like growth that comes from a very simple pruning method anyone can do, makes it shameful to top or truncate them. Ever. I’d sooner cut one down. In fact, call me and I’ll tell you how to prune your crepe myrtle FREE OF CHARGE!
The specimen above is a good one to use for a pruning tip: See the leafy green growth starting at the base of the tree and growing up to about three feet? Take pruning shears and cut those (they’re called “suckers”) off at the trunk – almost, but not quite, flush to it. Note: Crepe myrtles are a wonderful component to almost any southern landscaping project. What IS IMPORTANT is to choose the right one.
A good nursery will have a selection of CM’s that range greatly in size at maturity. Some dwarf varieties are mature at 5 feet (in height and diameter). The larger varieties can grow to 35 feet and be 25 to 30 feet across, and you can find CM’s in every size in between. Choose wisely the size and you will never have to butcher (“TOP”) them because they’ve outgrown their spot. They come in white and lavender, pinks and reds. If planted in rows you’ll probably want to use the same color as these will be of the same hybrid and grow more uniformly, assuming you buy them all at once and from one source. Plant in early spring or fall. Or call Perry Tree Service and we’ll be happy to help! Mark (919) 968-9469