Since 1993

Perry Tree Service

Expert Tree Care & Removal Service in the Chapel Hill, Carrboro, Durham, Hillsborough, Pittsboro Area

Hazardous Tree Removal

Trees over houses can be very dangerous.. We do pruning and removal

Tree Trimming

Proper pruning can keep your trees healthy, safe and maximize their beauty.

Dead Limb Removal

Removal of dead and broken limbs, especially in hardwoods, where they're very fragile and heavy.

Jungle Taming

Clean up of wooded, natural areas and overgrown landscapes.

Storm Damage

Removal of trees from roofs, clean up of debris. Repair landscapes and plant new trees.

Pet/Cat Rescue

If your CAT is treed, I, personally, will come to its rescue.

Why Choose Us

Mark has worked hurricanes, from here to Fla. to Mississippi. But the Triangle is my home and I hope you’ll call us sometime soon for a free estimate, threat-assessment or evaluation.

Licensed & Insured

We are licensed and insured for your security

24/7 Emergency Service

We're availbable 24 hours a day for emergency services

Highly Skilled

In Service since 1993

Veteran & Teacher Discounts

10% discounts for Veterans & Teachers.

What Our Clients Say

Let real testimonials do the speaking! Pick the best and display them in this section.

Perry Tree Service turned my ugly trees into the beauties that I knew they could be. I highly recommend Perry Tree Service for all your tree care needs!
I've been using Perry tree service for 9 years. Very professional and trees come down precisely where they need too. Weather trees are on a house, beside house or in the yard they get it done right.
Danny Barker
Homeowner, Chapel Hill, NC
Joseph Keasler
Nothing says peace of mind during hurricane or winter ice season like not worrying about trees and limbs crashing down on our house. Perry Tree Service expertly removed potentially dangerous and hazardous trees and large limbs away from our home in Chatham County. Thanks Perry Tree Service!
Joseph Keasler
Pittsboro, NC
Superb job Perry Tree Service! Thank you and thank you. You were so knowledgeable and professional. You were on time and the price was right. One of our cypress trees split in half during the last snow storm, one half landed on our neighbor's house, the other half on our yard. Perry Tree Service did an excellent job of carefully cutting & removing the fallen tree; they also pruned the surrounding tree limbs and cleaned the area. Excellent job overall, we highly recommend Perry Tree Service for all your tree pruning & removal; storm clean up as well as jungle taming services. Thank you Perry Tree Service; you are the BEST!
Victoria Adeleke
Chapel Hill, NC
Perry Tree Service is excellent! I would highly recommend them for your tree trimming needs. During one of the quick moving NC summer storms, a tree fell on my house. I called them that evening after the storm passed and they arrived on time the same evening. They did an outstanding job removing the tree while being extremely careful with the structure of the house. I was so impressed that I had them return to do some additional tree trimming of limbs over and adjacent to my home. The work was fantastic and I am was extremely impressed. They also did a great job cleaning up.
Cherie Kuzmiak
Homeowner, Chapel Hill

Read Our Latest Blogs

Find out what we’re concerned about now.

Crepe Myrtle Perry Tree Service
Caring For Your Crepe Myrtle

Many landscapers and tree co.’s make topping crepe myrtles a common practice. TOPPING HARMS TREES! The ones that survive this butchery grow out UGLY and weakened! No REAL tree professional practices or even advertises tree topping.

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